In order to become a member of the MCCPC, you must be a government agency in Morris County or in one of the seven counties which borders Morris County—Essex, Hunterdon, Passaic, Somerset, Sussex, Union or Warren.
Unless additional information is required by the DLGS subsequent to its receipt of the paperwork, it usually takes about three weeks or less for the MCCPC to receive final approval. Once we do, we notify the agency of its formal acceptance and send out a pro-rated invoice. Members will then be provided a link to create an account on our website where they can access member resources. Lastly, vendors with whom we have current contracts will also be notified about the new member.
Vendors only become a vendor for the co-op by actively bidding on available contracts and being awarded said contract(s). The vendor would be an approved vendor for the awarded contract only. There is no general vendor registration required to bid. However, vendors can register to receive notifications of future bid opportunities by visiting “Register” and selecting “Vendor Registration.”